
Home management

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 About this app


Home management

Streamline your rental experience with the Home Management app by DST Team Developers. This innovative application empowers both landlords and tenants with a suite of features to simplify everyday tasks and foster a seamless rental relationship.

For Landlords:
- Effortlessly manage your properties: Streamline property information, collect rent, track maintenance requests, and communicate with tenants efficiently.
- Automate recurring tasks: Schedule automatic rent reminders and late payment notices, saving you valuable time and effort.
- Gain valuable insights: Generate detailed reports on income and expenses, tenant history, and property performance, helping you make informed decisions.
- Ensure tenant compliance: Easily manage lease agreements, track tenant activity, and enforce rules and regulations.

For Tenants:
- Stay organized and informed: Access your lease agreement, track rent payments, submit maintenance requests, and view property information anytime, anywhere.
- Pay rent easily: Choose from various convenient payment options and receive real-time payment confirmations.
- Communicate directly with your landlord: Report issues, ask questions, and receive prompt responses through the app's built-in messaging system.
- Track your rental history: Maintain a clear and organized record of past payments and communications with your landlord.

Benefits for both:
- Improved communication and collaboration: Foster a transparent and efficient communication channel between landlords and tenants.
- Reduced stress and hassle: Simplify everyday tasks and eliminate unnecessary paperwork.
- Increased efficiency and time savings: Automate processes and access information on the go.
- Enhanced peace of mind: Enjoy a secure platform for managing your rental property and tenancy.

Trang Sĩ Thái

Updated on Dec 26, 2023
First released on Dec 26, 2023

Device compatibility
Requires Android 8.0 and up

App size
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Rated for 16+
Rated by the International Age Rating Coalition (IARC)

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